
General Meetings: Outcome Of Meeting

BackMay 20, 2021
Type of Meeting General
Indicator Outcome of Meeting
Date of Meeting 20 May 2021
Time 09:30 AM

Broadcast Venue at KAB's Headoffice

No.18, Jalan Radin Bagus 9

Bandar Baru Seri Petaling

57000 Kuala Lumpur

Outcome of Meeting

The Board of Directors of Kejuruteraan Asastera Berhad ("the Company") wishes to announce that all the resolutions as set out in the notice convening the Twenty-Fourth Annual General Meeting ("24th AGM") dated 21 April  2021 was duly passed at the 24th AGM of the Company held earlier today.
The voting in respect of the resolutions was carried out by way of poll, results of which was validated by Asia Securities Sdn Bhd, being the independent scrutineer appointed by the Company.
Details of the result of the polling in respect of the resolutions at the 24th AGM is set out below.
This announcement is dated 20 May 2021.

Voting Results

1. Ordinary Resolution 1


To approve the payment of Directors' Fees for an amount not exceeding RM399,500.00 per annum for the financial year ending 31 December 2021.

Shareholder’s Action For Voting
Voted For Against
No. of Shareholders 60 4
No. of Shares 1,269,337,766 15,800
% of Voted Shares 99.9988 0.0012
Result Accepted

2. Ordinary Resolution 2


To re-elect Datin Chan Pey Kheng, who retire pursuant to Clause 76(3) of the Constitution of the Company.

Shareholder’s Action For Voting
Voted For Against
No. of Shareholders 62 3
No. of Shares 1,269,354,280 193
% of Voted Shares 99.9999 0.0000
Result Accepted

3. Ordinary Resolution 3


To re-elect Lu Chee Leong, who retire pursuant to Clause 76(3) of the Constitution of the Company.

Shareholder’s Action For Voting
Voted For Against
No. of Shareholders 62 3
No. of Shares 1,269,354,280 193
% of Voted Shares 99.9999 0.0000
Result Accepted

4. Ordinary Resolution 4


To re-elect Datuk Dr Ong Peng Su, who retire pursuant to Clause 78 of the Constitution of the Company.

Shareholder’s Action For Voting
Voted For Against
No. of Shareholders 64 1
No. of Shares 1,269,354,470 3
% of Voted Shares 99.9999 0.0000
Result Accepted

5. Ordinary Resolution 5


To re-appoint Messrs Kreston John & Gan as Auditors of the Company and to authorise the Directors to fix their remuneration.

Shareholder’s Action For Voting
Voted For Against
No. of Shareholders 62 3
No. of Shares 1,269,354,280 193
% of Voted Shares 99.9999 0.0000
Result Accepted

6. Ordinary Resolution 6


Authority to Allot and Issue Shares

Shareholder’s Action For Voting
Voted For Against
No. of Shareholders 60 5
No. of Shares 1,269,345,244 9,229
% of Voted Shares 99.9993 0.0007
Result Accepted

7. Ordinary Resolution 7


Proposed Renewal of Authority for Share Buy-Back

Shareholder’s Action For Voting
Voted For Against
No. of Shareholders 62 3
No. of Shares 1,269,345,434 9,039
% of Voted Shares 99.9993 0.0007
Result Accepted

Please refer attachment below.

Announcement Info

Stock Name KAB
Date Announced 20 May 2021
Category General Meeting
Reference Number GMA-18052021-00003
Corporate Action ID MY210518MEET0002


  1. KAB-_Poll_Results_-_24th_AGM.pdf (Size: 448,901 bytes)